Because of the nature of my job (software development for military), often I get to do coding on computers without Internet conection. I always use CMake FetchContent so internet connection is vital.

My fellow workers who use Android phone simply connect their phone to the computer via USB cable and tethering simply works without any additional configurations. On the other hand, my iPhone never does its job.

Install Apple Mobile Service

Simple googling would give you an instruction.

Go to Apple iTunes download page. By default it suggests you to download it from Microsoft Store. Ignore the button and scroll down a bit and You’ll see Looking for other versions? and some links.


Click Windows and you can get executable installer just like the old days. Or download it here for 64 bit or here for 32 bit in case you fully trust me. Always be cautious when you download anything from unknown sources. (which is, for now, me)

Once the installer file is downloaded, you can extract it with 7zip or WinRAR.


Inside it there is a exe and several msi files. Install AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi and you are set! Now the tethering should work, or… does it?

Install Device Driver

The above method is what most blog posts suggest if you search on Google. I guess they all tested it on Internet available environment, where Windows OS can automatically get and install device drivers from Internet.

For me, it was not possible because Internet was not an option, when this Apple community post came into my sight.

The author provides with two links that directly download some cab files. (Always be cautious!!) You can extract those as well. There is a inf file in each cab file that you need to install by right clicking it.

I’ll leave the direct download links here.

I tried them myself on disconnected Windows computer and it worked! I didn’t need to call my coworkers anymore.

It seems the original author downloaded the driver files from Microsoft Update Catalog but I’m not sure because I didn’t tested it myself. If you don’t trust a random Apple community user, and want to get the file directly from Microsoft, please try this ones. You can search for ‘Apple USB’ and ‘Apple Net’ to get same files.


The reason why I’m writing post is weird. Because Apple community won’t allow me to print out the page as PDF file. That sucks. So I’m writing this to permanently preserve this precious solution so when I need it I can eaily find it.